Book Club
The Book Club will meet on Monday, January 21 at 7:00 pm to discuss Tell by Frances Itani.
The Southminster Book Club meets several times a year in someone’s home, to discuss a selected, non-scripture work with a spiritual theme or message. All are welcome! If you are new to the group, please contact the church office for the location.
Parenting, Attachment, and the Collaborative Problem Solving Method
A free four-week training series for parents and guardians of children and youth in Old Ottawa South.
February, 2019. Full details here.
Work Party
Every Tuesday from 9:30 am 12 noon a group meets and tackles odd jobs around the building. They do anything from painting, laying tile, refinishing wooden surfaces, repairing concrete, to hanging pictures and running errands. They can always use another helping hand or two. For more information, contact the church office.
Tim Chin Photography + Design
Southminster United Church

Ottawa, Ontario
Since 1932... "a caring community that brings people together to explore faith and express it in action."
Local, National, & Global Outreach Committee

Southminster's Local, National, & Global Outreach Committee (LNGO) is an active, multi-generational group working together to share our passion for faith in action in the world. This passion has long been a marker of Southminster people.
The LNGO Committee is committed to raising awareness and providing information about social issues on all levels: LOCAL, NATIONAL and GLOBAL.
Mission and Service
On the global and national levels, LNGO promotes awareness of the United Church of Canada (UCC) Mission and Service Fund (M&S). This important program supports many service ventures in Canada and around the world. At Southminster, the LNGO group leads our annual fund-raising commitment for the M&S Fund and shares information about M&S during worship and in congregational activities.
Local Concerns
Locally, LNGO leads Southminster’s ongoing support of community outreach partnerships and justice-seeking programs and activities that include:
Centretown Churches Social Action Committee (specifically, Centretown Community Food Centre),
Social Justice
At the national level, LNGO continues to respond to matters of social justice.
Through the LNGO Committee, Southminster has become a supporter of Dignity for All: a Campaign for a Poverty-Free Canada
We join with the United Church of Canada as it continues its journey with Indigenous peoples towards mutuality, respect and equity. Please visit our Seeking Right Relationships page to learn more about our commitment to the work of reconciliation.
United Church of Canada Concerns
The LNGO Committee also pays attention to international matters of concern to the United Church of Canada.
Interested to know more? We welcome new members at any time and would be happy to talk with you about the work of LNGO and how you can get involved!