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It is our missional vocation...


to nurture spiritual growth, and its joyful expression in service, within and beyond our congregation.

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
in the sanctuary and streamed via Facebook or  YouTube* 

All are welcome both in person and online

We Welcome Everyone to come and worship with us.

A printable copy of our bulletin will be posted HERE each week.

See our worship page for more information.

15 Aylmer Ave. at Bank 

(Across the street from the Sunnyside library.)

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Save the Date: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday, March 4th 

Click Pancakes for Info.

COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses continue to circulate in our community.

Please stay home if you are ill and join us online.  Join again in person once you are able.


Staying up-to-date with COVID vaccination is recommended. Older adults and others are at risk for serious illness.   Make an informed choice about adding levels of protection including masking and physical distancing. 

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